[CentOS-mirror] Request to add additional 10Gbps CentOS global locations - Evowise.com

Wed Nov 23 21:31:35 UTC 2016
James Hayden <hayden at evowise.com>

Happy Thanksgiving. 

Our current CentOS mirror has been moved to new infrastructure. 

-- This is our already authorized and listed mirror: http://mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ ( - Nginx based anycast CDN backed, see locations below) 
-- Please also authorize the following new IP [ callto: | ] ( [ http://mirror.evowise.com/centos/ | http://mirror.evowise.com/centos/ ] ). An alternate Apache-based Romania mirror (unlike all others, this mirror does not use Anycast IP and ping latency will be high outside of Romania) 

as mentioned we also added several globally backed CDN mirror locations (single Anycast IP, ping to test latency): 
US WEST: [ http://la-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ | http://la-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ ] 
US EAST: [ http://ny-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ | http://ny-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ ] 
UK: [ http://uk-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ | http://uk-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ ] 
Romania: [ http://ro-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ | http://ro-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ ] 
Spain: [ http://es-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ | http://es-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ ] 
Italy: [ http://it-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ | http://it-mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ ] 

The main mirror is still available at [ http://mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ | http://mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ ] ...using an anycast IP which will automatically route users to the nearest of the 6 locations. 

Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs 

Bandwidth: 10 Gbps connection (multiple tier 1 upstreams + local peerings). 

Sponsor: Evowise 

Sponsor URL: [ https://www.evowise.com/ | https://www.evowise.com/ ] 

NEW IP to authorize: [ callto: | ] ( [ callto: | ] was already added) 

Email contact: [ mailto:hayden at evowise.com | hayden at evowise.com ] 

Mirroring AltArch : no 

As noted above this mirror is sync'd over our CDN: 
Bucharest, Romania 
London, UK 
Italy, Milan 
Spain, Madrid 
US, New York 

Latency is usually <50 ms ping from most global locations using the CDN hostname: [ http://mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ | http://mirrors.evowise.com/centos/ ] 


Hayden James 
[ https://evowise.com/ | https://evowise.com ] 

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