On Tue, 2017-08-01 at 01:41 +0300, Anssi Johansson wrote: > If you are still > looking for a mirror script, it would be neat if some of our fellow > mirror admins could share the scripts they are actually using. Hello list, Here is an example used for our mirror: --------- #!/bin/sh USER=mirror PROG=mirror-centos LOCK_FILE=/tmp/${PROG}.lock LOG_FILE=/var/log/scripts/$PROG.log SOURCE="msync.centos.org::CentOS" TARGET="/path/to/mirror/centos" clean() { rm -f ${LOCK_FILE} } if [ -f ${LOCK_FILE} ]; then echo "Process ${PROG} is already running! Abort." exit 1 else trap "clean; exit 2" INT TERM EXIT touch ${LOCK_FILE} su -l ${USER} -c "rsync -aqzH --partial --delete-delay --delay- updates \ --log-file=${LOG_FILE} ${SOURCE} ${TARGET}" || { echo "Sync failed."; clean; exit 3; } clean fi --------- HTH, Garri