[CentOS-mirror] New mirror (centos.alpha-labs.net)

Tue Aug 8 11:53:35 UTC 2017
Christian Reiß <email at christian-reiss.de>

Hey folks,

long time CentOS user here, running several Servers-- now returning the

HTTP : http://centos.alpha-labs.net/
FTP  : (no ftp available)
RSYNC: rsync://centos.alpha-labs.net/centos/

Sync schedule: Every 2 hours
Bandwidth    : 1GB
Location     : Germany, Düsseldorf
Sponsor      : alpha-labs.net
Sponsor URL  : https://alpha-labs.net
IPv4 address to authorize:
IPv6 address to authorize: 2a01:1f8:2000::c
Email contact: Christian Reiss <hosting at alpha-labs.net>
Mirroring AltArch  : No

I have deployed exhaustive monitoring (Ports open, Service availability,
Last Sync status etc). The initial sync was done this Morning and 2
follow up syncs against different Mirrors were successful. The sync
script employs locking as requested.

I am also providing https alongside http, using Lets Encrypt certificates.

If there is anything else please don't hesitate to ask me.


 Christian Reiss - email at christian-reiss.de         /"\  ASCII Ribbon
                   christian at reiss.nrw              \ /    Campaign
                                                     X   against HTML
 XMPP chris at alpha-labs.net                          / \   in eMails
 WEB  christian-reiss.de, reiss.nrw

 GPG Retrieval http://gpg.christian-reiss.de
 GPG ID ABCD43C5, 0x44E29126ABCD43C5
 GPG fingerprint = 9549 F537 2596 86BA 733C  A4ED 44E2 9126 ABCD 43C5

 "It's better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.",
                                          John Milton, Paradise lost.

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