[CentOS-mirror] new mirror request

Mon Apr 23 12:43:33 UTC 2018
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 22/04/18 06:18, Admin wrote:
> HTTP: http://mirrors.layeronline.com/centos/ 
> Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
> Bandwidth: 10Gbps
> Location: CDN (US, EU, Asia, Canada, ...)
> Sponsor: LayerOnline
> Sponsor URL: www.layeronline.com <http://www.layeronline.com>
> IPv4 address to authorize:
> IPv6 address to authorize: 
> Email contact: admin at layeronline.com <mailto:admin at layeronline.com>
> Mirroring AltArch  : no

So mirrors.layeronline.com is hosted behind Cloudflade CDN.
The question would then be : when the mirror crawler process will try to
validate that mirror, in fact it will not validate your single node, but
rather the nearest cloudflare cdn node, but not the whole cloudfare
setup for that A record.

And as our current system will associate your IP with a country only
(Canada in your case), pointing to a CDN will be useless, as we'll never
include that mirror in our yum mirrorlists for other countries

Trying to get your opinion on your proposal.
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 56BEC54E | twitter: @arrfab

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