[CentOS-mirror] Mirror out of date

Tue Jun 5 19:44:45 UTC 2018
Anssi Johansson <avij at centosproject.org>

George kirjoitti 5.6.2018 klo 22.36:
> Hi,
> This mirror seems to be out of date:
> Mirror List
> EU	Denmark	One.com	http://mirror.one.com/centos/ 
> ftp://mirror.one.com/centos/	rsync://mirror.one.com/centos/
> But is still listed on the CentOS official mirror lists. Can you please 
> take the appropriate measures?
> Thanks in advance.

Hmm, it does indeed seem to lack several directories. I will recheck the 
situation in a few days, but until then, the mirror won't be offered to 
yum via mirrorlist.centos.org.