[CentOS-mirror] Public Mirror

Fri May 18 07:31:54 UTC 2018
Riseops <riseops at rise.ph>

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Good day,

We would like to register our public mirror server. Below are the
http://mirror.rise.ph/centos/ [1]
ftp://mirror.rise.ph/centos/ [2]

We synchronize 4 times a day @ 00:00, 05:00, 10:00, and 18:00 UTC

We're located in the Philippines, Cebu City.

We've allocated 20Mbps from 7am-7pm then 200Mbps from 7pm-7am for our
mirror server.

Organization: RISE (https://rise.ph/ [3])

Also, we're currently syncing from 'msync.centos.org::CentOS'. Is
there a better source for syncing? Is there a better way - a custom
script for centos - for syncing?


[1] http://mirror.rise.ph/centos/
[2] /ftp://mirror.rise.ph/centos/
[3] https://rise.ph/

Marcelito de Guzman
riseops at rise.ph

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