[CentOS-mirror] New Centos Mirror in Kabul, Afghanistan

Fri Dec 27 19:34:10 UTC 2019
Thomas Enos <thomas.enos at afghan-wireless.com>

Dear CentOS Mirror Team,

We've setup a mirror in Kabul, Afghanistan. Kindly allow it.

HTTP: http://mirrors.afghan-wireless.com/centos/ 
HTTPS: https://mirrors.afghan-wireless.com/centos/

Sync schedule: Every 6 hrs
Bandwidth: 1G
Location: Kabul, Afghanistan
Sponsor: Afghan Wireless Communications Company
Sponsor URL: https://www.afghan-wireless.com	
IPv4 address to authorize:
IPv6 address to authorize:  N/A
Email contact: SystemAdmin at afghan-wireless.com , thomas.enos at afghan-wireless.com
Mirroring AltArch: no


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