[CentOS-mirror] HA: New Mirror request Azerbaijan
Anssi Johansson
avij at centosproject.orgThu Mar 14 19:49:41 UTC 2019
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Yes, your rsync URL is OK now, but the rest of the content still needs some work. For example, http://centos.azertele.com/7.6.1810/os/x86_64/ should have a 'repodata' directory, but it is absent from your mirror. You must use rsync to sync your mirror. Using, for example, reposync and its usual companion createrepo does not work for setting up a public mirror. If your sync script has any references to reposync or createrepo, remove those. Also while rsyncing, you should use rsync's -H parameter to preserve hard links. This saves hard disk space and bandwidth. Abdulali Abbasov kirjoitti 14.3.2019 klo 8.22: > Hi there, > I fixed rsync link now its on > rsync://centos.azertele.com/centos > > Also files are updated. > > > Thanks. > -----Исходное сообщение----- > От: CentOS-mirror [mailto:centos-mirror-bounces at centos.org] От имени Anssi Johansson > Отправлено: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 11:27 PM > Кому: centos-mirror at centos.org > Тема: Re: [CentOS-mirror] New Mirror request Azerbaijan > > Abdulali Abbasov kirjoitti 13.3.2019 klo 15.58: >> http://centos.azertele.com >> https://centos.azertele.com >> rsync://centos.azertele.com >> >> Sync schedule: Every 12 hrs >> Bandwidth: 1 Gbps >> Location: Azerbaijan >> Sponsor: Azertelecom LLC >> Sponsor URL: https://azertelecom.az >> IPv4 address to authorize: >> IPv6 address to authorize: 2a00:9100:0:19::2 Email Contact: >> abdulalia at azerconnect.az > > Hmm, there are around 20 incomplete repositories on your mirror. Try running rsync again from some other external mirror offering rsync, listed on https://www.centos.org/download/mirrors/ and remember to not --exclude anything while syncing. > > Additionally, rsync://centos.azertele.com/ is not a valid URL for this purpose. It would need the name of the module, like centos or mirror or files or something, at the end. What's the URL we should use? > _______________________________________________ > CentOS-mirror mailing list > CentOS-mirror at centos.org > https://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror > _______________________________________________ > CentOS-mirror mailing list > CentOS-mirror at centos.org > https://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos-mirror >
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