[CentOS-mirror] Mirror Annoucement Failed

Wed Dec 9 09:26:35 UTC 2020
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 05/12/2020 14:07, noc at nbtelecom.com.br wrote:
> Hi Centos Team, hope you all doing well!
> I kindly ask you if could be possible to check my mirror server which is
> no longer listed on your mirror annoucement for several days:
> URLs:
> https://mirror.nbtelecom.com.br/centos/
> http://mirror.nbtelecom.com.br/centos/
> https://mirror.nbtelecom.com.br/centos-altarch/
> http://mirror.nbtelecom.com.br/centos-altarch/
> Status rsync process:
> rsync -aqzH4 --delete us-msync.centos.org::altarch
> /home/mirror/centos-altarch
> rsync -aqzH4 --delete linorg.usp.br::CentOS /home/mirror/centos/
> We hope get back your message soon.


I see what's wrong : and you got yourself the reason : you synced from
external mirror instead of syncing from msync.centos.org (which , once
added, you have access to rsync from, through authorized IPv4/IPv6
addresses added in our rsync ACL).

IF you check the rsync mirror you rsync from (for centos, not altarch),
you'll see that it's really far behind : http://linorg.usp.br/CentOS/ :
it doesn't even have recent releases like 8.3.2011, nor 7.9.2009 , nor
even 8.2.2004 , so it seems that external mirror itself stopped pulling
from where it was pulling from.

Can you just switch (per wiki instructions at
https://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/CreatePublicMirrors) to rsync from
msync.centos.org::CentOS ?

It should then pull everything it needs and so your mirror would be
automatically be added back in the lists, once validated for up2date

It that doesn't work, we can verify that the ipv4/ipv6 address you gave
are still correct but they should as you already sync altarch content
directly from us and that one is already up2date.

Thanks !
Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | twitter: @arrfab