[CentOS-mirror] New mirror: repo.ifca.es

Thu Nov 19 08:40:50 UTC 2020
Álvaro López García <aloga at ifca.unican.es>


We have setup a new CentOS mirror, please find below the required

    HTTP: http://repo.ifca.es/centos/ 
    HTTPS: https://repo.ifca.es/centos/
    RSYNC: rsync://repo.ifca.es/centos/

    Sync schedule: Every 4 hrs
    Bandwidth: 10Gbit
    Location: Spain
    Sponsor: IFCA Advanced Computing and e-Science Group (IFCA-CSIC-UC)
    Sponsor URL: https://computing.ifca.es/
    IPv4 address to authorize:
    IPv6 address to authorize: 2001:720:1c14::ffff:c192:4b5d
    Email contact: aloga at ifca.unican.es
    Mirroring AltArch: no 

Álvaro López García
Advanced Computing and e-Science Group
Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA) - CSIC - UC
Ed. Juan Jordá, Avda. de los Castros s/n - 39005 Santander (SPAIN)
phone: (+34) 942 200 969  |  skype: aloga.csic
I understand.
> Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>> Why is top posting frowned upon?
>>> Please do not top-post in email replies.
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