[CentOS-mirror] Mirror: centos-canada.vdssunucu.com.tr listed as Canadian mirror

Thu Nov 19 08:28:31 UTC 2020
Fabian Arrotin <arrfab at centos.org>

On 18/11/2020 16:59, Nathan Spiegel wrote:
> Even though the final destination does not accept ICMP, the routing from
> my location goes to New York, NJ, and then Canada. It is highly unlikely
> that the mirror is located anywhere other than Canada.

Just to close this thread (except if there are really reasons to keep it
going) :
- they claimed mirror was in Canada, and it is
- it's fine to have a country extension that doesn't match the server
location as we use GeoIP also at mirrorlist level, so that means that
nobody from Turkey would hit that mirror and no speed issue either

So no action to take, let's enjoy life and move on ? :)

Fabian Arrotin
The CentOS Project | https://www.centos.org
gpg key: 17F3B7A1 | twitter: @arrfab

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