[CentOS-mirror] Incorrectly listed mirror

Sat Oct 3 23:35:13 UTC 2020
Richard Allen <ra at ra.is>

Hello all, 

Regarding the mirror fedora.is, it's sponsor is incorrectly listed as "Siminn" and should be "Opin Kerfi" [ https://opinkerfi.is/ | https://opinkerfi.is/ ] 
(This can be verified with a quick whois of the IP address) 
Also the rsync URL is missing: rsync://rsync.fedora.is/CentOS/ 

Also, this mirror also works identically if you do 's/fedora/centos/g' on the config. 

[ http://www.fedora.is/CentOS/ | http://www.centos.is/CentOS/ ] 
[ https://www.fedora.is/CentOS/ | https://www.centos.is/CentOS/ ] 
[ ftp://ftp.centos.is/pub/CentOS/ | ftp://ftp.centos.is/pub/CentOS/ ] 

So maybe centos.is is better than fedora.is for CentOS? :) 

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