[CentOS-promo] LinuxTag: Meeting and other stuff

Thu May 17 11:26:19 UTC 2007
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Lance Davis wrote:
> >a) We absolutely need to know *who* will be there helping at the booth
> >  until this weekend - the deadline for getting exhibitor passes is May
> >  21st (Monday). So raise your hands!
> >
> Whilst I would love to come I dont think I'd be much use - dont speak the 
> language - but will check cheap flights and my schedule anyway.

Hey, at the moment we are 4 people speaking Dutch and only Christoph and
me speaking german :)

>>  We still have lots of flyers from Fosdem - those aren't really
>>  current anymore (not mentioning virtualization),
> they do ... (I think)
> maybe we could just do an extra A5 sheet on virt stuff - I can print on 
> he colour laser.

That sounds okay. 

> arrgh - that is a bad day - it is my Birthday :)

Hehe. Problem is I'm not available on Friday and Saturday evening . But
we'll drink some virtual champagne at the meeting :)


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