[CentOS-promo] Re: centos at linuxtag

Thu May 17 13:40:48 UTC 2007
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Axel Thimm wrote:
> Yes, you need to apply for it until the 16th (and pay for it, of
> course).
> http://www.linuxtag.org/2007/fileadmin/linuxtag/downloads/aussteller/mappe/H5-Ausstellungsgut-Versicherung.pdf
> Unfortunately in German, I couldn't find an Englisch translation, I
> think there is none :/

There's still the option to apply for it later (the date is "two weeks
before the expo begins"), if - and only then - no claim are there/no
damage has happened before the expo (like problems with transport).

Insurance is 3 one-tenth of a percent of the value of the equipment. For
easily breakable stuff (monitors, terminals, glass), they add 10
one-tenth of a percent (where the hell is that character on my
keyboard?) to it. At least EUR 50,- have to be paid (that would
correspond to a value of ~ EUR 5.000, if I'm not mistaken).

If something happens, 25% of the value have to be paid by us.

Plus there is a general liability insurance (EUR 82,-/week) and an
accident insurance (EUR 10,- per person per week) available. 


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