[CentOS-promo] Re: centos at linuxtag

Thu May 17 14:30:33 UTC 2007
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Axel Thimm wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 03:42:56PM +0200, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> > Ralph Angenendt wrote:
> > > There's still the option to apply for it later (the date is "two weeks
> > > before the expo begins"), if - and only then - no claim are there/no
> > > damage has happened before the expo (like problems with transport).
> > 
> > Which means that I could call them tomorrow if we see the need for that.
> If you'd like me to organize a beamer and/or a PC it would be from my
> former physics department at the university, and that would require
> having the hardware insured.
> As said I can't commit to it, because I'm not deciding it. I had
> already asked the staff and they wanted to know first what is needed
> and whether it is insured.

Which means that we need insurance =:)

I'll call them tomorrow. We just need to have an estimate of *how high*
the value of stuff is.

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