We've had another very succesful event at FrOSCon in Sankt-Augustin, DE. If we can do other events at this pace we might get more women into CentOS in the future :) FroSCOn 2007: 1 girl FroSCOn 2008: 2 girls Maybe we need to make a girl section at the booth next year ? Anyway, thanks to Andreas and Sarah for organising the booth at FrOSCon this year, and also thanks to Ralph for organising the booth at LinuxTag and being present and doing presentations at other conferences. This year we had CentOS stickers, thanks to Marcus. We even have 4 different kinds now ! (not sure how long they will last) Also thanks to everyone that contributed to the booth, next events: LinuxWorld Expo UK in London, UK T-DOSE in Eindhoven, NL If you want to become more involved with CentOS, helping to promote it is one of the options to get in touch. -- -- dag wieers, dag at wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]