[CentOS-promo] Fosdem 2008 materials ..

Tue Jan 22 09:21:48 UTC 2008
Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de>

Fabian Arrotin wrote:
> Wake up Folks ... :-)
> Here is a list of things that we need for the Fosdem  ... Add your item
> to the list if i forgot something ;-)
> - Flyers (after a discussion with Dag, it seems we have still enough.
> Dag : how much ? and can you bring them ?)

Those are mostly missing CentOS 5 and are primarily CentOS 4. Do we
really want to use those again?

I also need some for the Chemnitzer Linuxtage. 

> - Posters : the ones we used last year seems not usable anymore (iirc
> they were used also for the Linuxtag). is it possible to have newer
> ones ?

Yes. A new layout would be great, also. And maybe something which isn't
printed on an inkjet?

If we have nice posters, we could also sell them ...

Didn't Gideon have something in the pipeline last time?

Same again, I need at least one for Chemnitz (probably have to take a
big bag with me ...).

> - Flag ? we discussed last year about the fact of having a CentOS flag
> that can be exposed on a wall/on the booth itself. Maybe this could be
> considered as an investment (lasts longer than a paper poster i
> think) .. but that's just my opinion ... ideas ?

Question is: How do we get that from event to event? But it is a nice

> - System/Monitor ? do we need a computer for the booth to stay powered
> on to show something (last year there was a dogtail script showing
> compiz on centos 5 beta) ... ideas ?

We had some xen stuff showing (Windows running in an instance, for
example) at the Linuxtag in Berlin, in addition to the dogtail stuff.
Depends on if we want to show something which just runs or if we want to
show some interactive stuff.

> - <AddYourIdeaHere>
Hmmmm. More CDs, DVDs, Goodies! (... Chemnitz ...) >:)


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