[CentOS-promo] Some thougts about the ToDo List
wonderer4711 at gmx.de
Mon Jun 16 18:55:52 UTC 2008
Dag Wieers schrieb:
> On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, wonderer wrote:
>> Dag Wieers schrieb:
>>> On Mon, 16 Jun 2008, wonderer wrote:
>>>> I read over the ToDo List and have some points to mention and hope
>>>> its ok:
>>> Certainly, I made that list to encourage anyone to help out. So I
>>> guess you were my target audience :)
>>>> The following tasks needs one or more owners:
>>>> * Create appealing screenshots for the website, articles or events
>>>> additional: take pictures from events...
>>> Right, we have pictures of events taken, but none of them have been
>>> put online in a structured manner :) So where do we want to put those ?
>> A Gallery within the wiki, if this are not to many pictures they can
>> put in directly, etc.
>>> Is the wiki a good place to put a few photo's of every event ?
>> For the first shot, yes! Then we can see if there is a need for a
>> more and more structured Picture Archive.
>> My experiences with other OpenSource Projects told me there will be
>> up to 3 or maybe 5 Images per Event that fit in an "Online Gallery of
>> the Event"...
>> But as you say: if nobody do it, it would not be done ;-)
> We need to mail all the people involved in previous events that may
> have pictures.
done here, soon over other chanels.
> Also, it would be nice if we could make a wiki-template with some
> basic information, a photo, responsibilities, etc, and encourage every
> Wiki contributor to provide that information. And then have some sort
> of Team or Community page that lists all of them including the picture.
> It would bring some human touch into the wiki. People sometimes forget
> this is made by inviduals like themself.
>>> I think we should do education more than promotion. Most people have
>>> no clue what Enterprise Linux is and why they should pay attention
>>> to it.
>> Thats the other part:
>> some ideas on articles or better HowTos:
>> - wich Enterprise Linux should I choose - why, how?! (HowTo and
>> Presentation for Event)
>> - how to use CentOS for Business (Presentation for Events)
>> - how to build a CentOS Intranet (HowTo)
>> - what do I need for my personal CentOS Desktop?
>> - any other ideas?
> - how to build a media-center/voip/home automation
> So many other interesting things that first need a knowledgable
> presenter and only secondly a good presentation :)
i made the difference between presentation and HowTo. For a Presentation
the Speaker does not have the knowledge in deep, that should be handled
in the wiki-HowTo and on irc or other support chanel.
>>>> * Contact magazines for CentOS related articles or include CentOS
>>>> media
>>>> Therefore CentOS should have ready made press kit (could work out
>>>> something).
>>> Yes, we need a press-kit.
>> Ok, I will work a draft version out, ok?! :-)
>> Therefore I need maybe some more infos about CentOS itself. Who can I
>> "interview" about that?
> Depends on what information you need. Why not ask the questions here
> and get the responsible people involved ?
Done ;-)
>>>> * Contact publishers (of Fedora/RHEL books) to include CentOS on
>>>> cover, in print or as media
>>>> additional: contact Writers and ask to work out the CentOS related
>>>> parts.
>>> Right, go over the current RHEL and Fedora books and make sure we
>>> can improve the part about CentOS.
>> Additional question: Do we have a ready made VMWare Image elsewhere
>> online? If not shall we build some and put it on VMWare?
> VMware has a repository of images, I guess it belongs there. The point
> is, what is the image used for. All use-cases would have their own image.
Not necessary. I mean http://www.vmware.com/appliances/ . There could be
a standard VMWare Image (or also Xen, but I did not know such a place
for Xen Images...) with VMWare Tools installed and some other packages.
For promotion very good, because the CentOS Logo and other information
could be implemented....
>>>> * Create and maintain pages about how to install CentOS on your
>>>> laptop
>>>> additional: Install CentOS under VMWare.
>>> Yes, both are probably not really part of the promo SIG but I
>>> considered it important :) I started it, but it is not as successful
>>> as it could be. Maybe new additions to the Laptop page could make it
>>> to CWN as well to drive that a bit too ? :)
>> Yes :-)
>> Ok, I see a bit clearer. So my thought is (I hope I'm right about
>> that) that there are several parts to deal with (I did'nt think that
>> my little question will make such waves..)
>> - Artwork SIG: make some more Pics like
>> http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/centos/
>> -> Question: can we move these banners over to CentOS (wiki)?
> We should definitely ask him. On the other hand, there was some
> negative criticism that this is NOT the CentOS logo and therefor
> should NOT be used.
> The problem in our community is this: Since we have no real voting
> mechanism, a negative voice often blocks a proposal while a positive
> voice may not be heard.
> As long as we have no rules for decision-making, there is no
> decision-making...
So, there is a need for it I see ;-)
Styleguide is in work ;-)
>> - Promotion: make an updated ToDo List with prioritys and people who
>> can work on it
> Go ahead.
dont have write permissions at this time ;-)
I'l post it later here ...
>> - work on presentations and promo stuff
> We are doing that everytime there is a need for it. We could use more
> people doing more presentations and adding more content.
The subsentence "there is no need for it" I did not read here ;-) There
is ALWAYS need. The question is when and how much ;-)
>> - Flyers, Posters
> We need people that want to help with the Artwork SIG. That one is
> dead for some time now. Also, a better planning in between events
> would help get better promotional material in time for events.
I build up an event checklist.Suggestions ...
> We often want to do a lot, but because we are all volunteers our time
> is limited. We have been doing a good job until now, but we definitely
> could do better in the future. If you look at the progress we made, I
> think LinuxTag 2008 shows how we improved, both with the booth as well
> with presentations.
I know that ;-) ... Better as you think...
>> Are there any "Projects" for / with CentOS we can promote more? any
>> Cluster or school project or so?
> As the promotional team we should encourage people to set up projects
> and report back about it. A cluster-related SIG or a school-related
> SIG would be nice, but it would also require a lot of
> resources/volunteers to be competitive in those areas.
If somebody in a company has the idea to work out a project they do not
think necessary to speak to the CentOS Team...
We do not need for all Projects SIGs and THATs ...Its a matter on how
stuff works:
- Mister xyz build up a CentOS Server, buidl a nice package or script,
make a blog entry or whatever
- Promo SIG read about it, hear about it
- Promo SIG asks a) Mister xyz how CentOS can help (if projects at first
steps) or how CentOS can promote the project
- Promo in progress
So, ALL the readers here should have this in mind i guess and if
elsewhere something happens a Mail here comes in...
Another point is the "how could I help" area. I did'nt read about it
elsewhere on the main CentOS Website, nor the wiki...
- how can I donate
- how can I participate
- how can I help
Therefore: areas, Buttons, Benefits?
P.S.: have only dag and I a dialog here ;-) ?
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