[CentOS-promo] IMPORTANT FrOSCon Notice-Cancellation

Fri Jul 31 09:47:59 UTC 2009
Andreas Rogge <a.rogge at solvention.de>


Tosh schrieb:
> I have a problem, due to a reschedule in one of our projects at work, I
> will not be able to attend FrOSCon.

sad to hear that you cannot come. I think we really need FrOSCon and
must not turn it down. There's already enough rumors around CentOS

> Anybody willing to take over my presentation slot?

I don't know wether FrOSCon has Standby-Presentations (i.e. a ranked
list of presentations that will be done if somebody cancels).
How long is your presentation-slot? I cannot commit to anything right
now, but I guess I could at lest do "some" presentation to fill the gap.

> I have not yet send a mail to the FrOSCon people, but will do so today,
Yes, do so please.


Egermannstr. 6-8
53359 Rheinbach

Tel: +49 2226 158179-0
Fax: +49 2226 158179-9

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