[CentOS-promo] Important: CentOS Newsletter coming to town

Dag Wieers dag at wieers.com
Fri May 22 16:14:29 UTC 2009

Hi all,

The CentOS Newsletter is a new initiative taken to promote CentOS, but 
also to improve the communication inside of the community itself.


Currently we envision a Newsletter that highlights some of the things that 
are going on inside of the different community's channels. But we probably 
could do much more, all of this depends on contributions and ideas of 
those people that are already involved.

So what I am looking for are people that

  - think about what subject, thread or article could be useful for the
    Newsletter (as much as possible)

  - write new content that can be featured in the Newsletter

  - are willing to (co)maintain a section in the Newsletter on a bi-weekly

We haven't decided what sections will go into the Newsletter yet, but here 
is a list of the things that are possible. If you have other ideas, please 
share them with the centos-promo mailinglist (or send them to me 

We are looking for a few recurring sections for the Newsletter:

     * Foreword
     * Featured Article(s)
     * Wonderful Wiki Whatever (new documentation in the wiki)
     * Community Threads (interesting threads on mailinglist, forums and blogs)
     * CentOS Fixes (an overview of the recent errata)
     * Development Discussions (what happens on centos-devel)
     * CentOS in the News (who's covering CentOS)
     * ...

Of course, if we don't have any content for a section at some point, we 
will leave that section out.

So who is interested to help out with the first and second issue ? And 
who is interested to maintain/edit one of these sections ?

I am looking for people in the different communities (mailinglist, forums 
and blogs) that keep up with things and offer items to be featured.

I am also interested in reports about new developments within the 
community from the different SIGs, from the developers and project members 
to highlight areas where is being worked on and what progress we are making.

If you are interested, you know where to find me :)

--   dag wieers,  dag at wieers.com,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]

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