[CentOS-promo] CentOS Pulse #1006 - The August Newsletter.

Mon Aug 16 12:15:04 UTC 2010
Alan Bartlett <ajb at elrepo.org>

On 15 August 2010 19:34, Marcus Moeller <mail at marcus-moeller.de> wrote:

> I would suggest to just release new issues when they are ready and not
> on specified release dates. We all got enough pressure in our personal
> life I guess.

Thanks, Marcus. That was one of my thoughts. Assuming there is a
significant interest within the Community to read that which is
produced *and* suitable input is forthcoming, then there are
sufficient members of the Editorial Team to massage the material into
a releasable issue.

Didi as the Editor in Chief & Marcus as the Deputy Editor, at the top,
then everybody else and finally me, at the bottom, to ensure a
coherent style of the about-to-be-released issue without "smudges,
fingerprints or fluff" showing . . .
