[CentOS-promo] FOSDEM talks (distribution miniconf)

Sat Nov 27 08:54:29 UTC 2010
Marcus Moeller <mail at marcus-moeller.de>

Dear Fab,

>>> FOSDEM is doing the same thing they did last year: All distributions are
>>> welcome to partake in a distribution miniconference within FOSDEM.
>>> If anyone of you wants to join us at FOSDEM and has/wants to have a talk
>>> which will not only further CentOS, but is also interesting for users of
>>> other distributions, please say so.
>>> I'd forward those talks to the FOSDEM 2011 list then.
>>> Any takers?
>> I would like to give a talk about sssd:
>> https://fedorahosted.org/sssd/
> sssd is really something i wanted to have a look at :-)
> On the other hand, i'm wondering if such project should be discussed in
> the distribution miniconf round or in the standard projects round.

As it is (at least atm) mostly fedora and rh/centos related I would
prefer a miniconf talk.
