[CentOS-promo] Hallo from a new subscriber

Sun Aug 28 16:35:06 UTC 2011
Bert Desmet <biertie at fedoraproject.org>


I'm Bert from Belgium and not very active here, though a mailing list.

If you would decide to host such an event in Belgium, don't forget to ping
me, I think I know the perfect location for a 2 day summit in Ghent, for a
smaller group (max 100p/day).

anyway, I'll follow this thread, and I'll see where I can help :-)


On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 4:53 PM, Always Learning <centos at u61.u22.net> wrote:

> Hallo everyone.
> I'm Paul from England, Europe and a Centos 5.6 user.
> I would like to support efforts to promote the excellent Centos product.
> I favour publicising Centos more. It really is a brilliant product
> created and maintained by a tiny few who are mainly unknown to the vast
> quantity of world users.
> One of my recent suggestions is an annual week long Centos event on
> every continent.
> For Europe, perhaps in sunny Belgium. To make it affordable for all it
> could be camping rather than expensive hotels and held in June, July or
> August.
> We could make it happen in Europe in 2012 when the streets of London are
> grid-locked (that's American for jammed) with Olympic traffic and parts
> of London grind to a halt.
> A welcome and refreshing break, good weather, stimulating thoughts and
> learning and discovering new things plus the tasty Belgium chips (USA =
> fries) and beer.
> The suggestion is to get the European summer camping and conference
> event going, followed by a hotel based winter event and formal
> conference. November is probably a good month in Europe to exploit the
> slack times in hotel and conference centre bookings. Eastern Europe is
> likely to be a lot cheap that western Europe, although bargains can
> sometimes be found in amazing locations (usually if one promises not to
> publicise the low rates).
> Centos lacks the money M$ had when it started promoting its product like
> it was washing-power or some every-day domestic product that everyone
> has or needs (that was in USA's Las Vegas when M$ had pillow cases in
> bedrooms printed with their product's name).
> However, with virtually no cash but enthusiasm, vision, tenacity and a
> drop or two of inspiration and good co-operation we can make it happen.
> Its your show. Can I join ?
> --
> With best regards,
> Paul.
> England,
> EU.
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Bert Desmet
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