[CentOS-promo] [DRAFT] Code of Conduct for CentOS Dojos

Fri Feb 21 10:31:16 UTC 2014
Rejy M Cyriac <rcyriac at redhat.com>

On 02/21/2014 03:55 PM, Manuel Wolfshant wrote:
> On 02/21/2014 12:22 PM, Andreas Rogge wrote:
>> Am 21.02.2014 07:17, schrieb Rejy M Cyriac:
>>> On 02/21/2014 02:13 AM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> As we're ramping up planning for CentOS Dojos in 2014, it would be a
>>>> Good Idea to have a code of conduct/Anti-Harassment/Discrimination
>>>> Policy in place. I've taken the liberty of drafting a short one based on
>>>> the Linux Foundation's [1] policy.
>>>> I trust that this is non-controversial, but I'm including the language
>>>> below in case we need to make any tweaks. We also need to decide who
>>>> will be the point of contact for any concerns (aside from the local
>>>> event staff).
>>>> Thoughts, comments, flames?
>> This seems to be mostly an issue in the USA or at least it isn't an
>> issue in Europe. I've been to several conferences in Europe and I
>> haven't ever heard of any issues concerning something like that and also
>> I haven't heard of any code of conduct.
>> I've heard there have been issues at conferences in the US. A code of
>> conduct might help, but we shouldn't advertise it too offensive.
>> It is okay if we have it and we can refer to it, but we shouldn't put it
>> on every door in 30pt or something like that. I think it would be
>> somewhat offending to advertise it in that way, because for me it
>> implies that you think I don't know how to behave properly.
>> We *should* have clear guidelines and I'm glad to call them code of
>> conduct and we definitely should evict people who misbehave, but don't
>> put it on every wall
> Me too, I've never ever heard of issues or even of the existence of a 
> code of conduct at conferences in UE.
> I fully agree with Andreas in everything he mentioned above.
>      Manuel

I agree that it should not be given prominent advertising at the venue.
It just needs a mention anywhere (a sort of terms and conditions), when
folks sign-up for the Dojo. It is not meant to be aggressive, or to
deter people, but to function as a fall-back mechanism just in case
things do go wrong. We cannot be too careful about racism and gender
issues these days, in many places around the globe.

- rejy (rmc)