[CentOS-promo] One promo-list newbie here

Tue Jan 14 11:43:55 UTC 2014
Jorge Garcia <jgarciacis at koali.es>

Hi there, 

I'm new to this mailing list. I am a sysadmin using CentOS in my
enterprise, www.koali.es. Koali is a spanish company that two partners
and I created in 2011. We make IT business solutions with open source
tools. We have some public schools here that are asking us for an open
source O.S. for their workstations and servers, because Microsoft is
auditing them and severe reprimand could be taken if they have no
original Microsoft software. I have a meeting next monday 20th with the
principal of one of those schools, so I would like to ask you if I can
use your promo stuff (printed by me) or just showing them one PowerPoint
slideshow (okay, Impress Slideshow :D) that I'm doing at this moment. I
can send you the slideshow translated into English once the meeting is

I intend to use CentOS logos, name, and just tell them all the benefits
of going from Windows to CentOS. Of course I will give them a neutral
point of view, so they can decide for their own.

As english is not my native language, please excuse typing errors.

So if anyone could answer me, I'd very pleased,

Thanks a lot

Jorge Garcia

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