[CentOS-promo] Transport Köln to Bruxelles

Tue Jan 14 21:23:44 UTC 2014
Jens Kuehnel <centos at jens.kuehnel.org>


I just joined the Promo List.
I would like to help at the Fosdem. A lot of you already know me from
the Fedora booth, but I would like to help at the Centos booth this year
for a change.

I read in the Archive that you need to transport stuff from Köln to
Brussels? I'm driving at Thurdsday evening from Frankfurt to Brüssel by
car and will bypass Köln anyway and can bring it to the Dojo on Friday,
or Deliver it on Thurdsday very late.

Simply send a mail :-)

CU @ the dojo in Bruxelles