[CentOS-promo] [Promo] What I've been working on (July 1-9 ish)

Mon Jul 9 19:33:18 UTC 2018
Rich Bowen <rbowen at redhat.com>

I wanted to let people know what I've been working on over the last 2 weeks:

* Edited and posted the various student interviews from ISC-HPC in 
Frankfurt - http://youtube.com/TheCentOSProject

* Promoting the schedule for the CentOS Dojo at DevConf.us. 

* Working with the folks at DevConf.in to help organize the CentOS 
presence there.

* Continuing my effort to reconnect with the various SIGs, in an attempt 
to establish some kind of regular feedback loop between the SIGs and the 
larger community. Some SIGs have just gone dormant. Others are active, 
but not in touch with other SIGs, and so there's duplication of effort.

* (Very) preliminary work on the CERN Dojo - http://cern.ch/centos - and 
the FOSDEM Dojo - https://wiki.centos.org/Events/Dojo/Brussels2019

* Published the 2nd edition of the newly rebooted CentOS Pulse 
Newsletter - https://wiki.centos.org/Newsletter/1802

I will be out of the office (an actual family vacation! W00T!) from the 
11th through the 20th, and so I'm trying to get the last details of the 
DevConf.us dojo nailed down before I leave.

Rich Bowen - rbowen at redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166