CentOS and Fedora are working together to sponsor the upcoming Ohio LinuxFest in Columbus, October 12th and 13th. Our logo isn't up on the site yet, but should be in the next day or two. This is just a short drive from home for me, so I'll be carting the tablecloth and pull-up banner and stickers, and some demo hardware, up to Columbus for the weekend. Details of our presence there are (will be) at https://wiki.centos.org/Events/2019/OhioLinux If you are (or will be) in the area around that time, you would be more than welcome to come hang out at our table, and talk to our community. OLF is a free, grassroots event, drawing somewhere around 1000 enthusiasts, mostly from the local area. It tends to have a lot of students, but also people from local industry. The audience tends to be very different on the Friday and Saturday, with lots of families and kids showing up on Saturday, and Friday being more corporate. -- Rich Bowen: CentOS Community Manager rbowen at redhat.com @rbowen // @CentOSProject 1 859 351 9166