[CentOS-promo] Upcoming events

Rich Bowen

rbowen at redhat.com
Wed Apr 10 20:43:04 UTC 2019

I wanted to let everyone know what events CentOS will have a presence at
in the coming months, and hear from any of you who have events at which
you'd like to represent CentOS, and we can help.

Here's my list:

* April 16 : Dojo at Oak Ridge National Labs -

* April 29 : Open Infrastructure Summit, Denver -

* May 7 : Red Hat Summit, Boston - http://redhat.com/summit

* June 25-26 : Open Source Summit Shanghai -

* July 15 : O'Reilly Open Source Conference, Portland - http://oscon.com/

* August 1 : Dojo @ DevConf.in, Bangalore (tentative)

* August 14 : Dojo @ DevConf.US, Boston -

Rich Bowen - rbowen at redhat.com
@CentOSProject // @rbowen
859 351 9166

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