Hey Shaun, could you please include an announcement for the Hyperscale SIG meetup in the next CentOS newsletter? Here's the blurb, feel free to edit as you see fit: The CentOS Hyperscale SIG will be holding an in-person meetup on August 16th, 2022 at Boston University. This is the same venue hosting CentOS Dojo on August 17th and DevConf.us on August 18th-20th. The meetup is open to everybody interested -- you don't have to be a member of the SIG to attend, and we'd welcome participation from anyone interested in this space. The event will be held from 9am to 5pm in the GSU conference room 310 at Boston University. While this is an in-person event, we will do our best to setup a conference bridge so that remote participants can attend and interact as well. Please register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/centos-hyperscale-sig-meetup-dojodevconfus-2022-tickets-384259589777 to help with the event planning. I'll post this to -devel shortly as well. Thanks! Cheers Davide