[CentOS-pt-br] Problema na hora de copilar o pacote courier-authlib

Valdir josevaldirg em gmail.com
Quinta Outubro 4 19:55:01 UTC 2007

Pessoal,  já faz alguns dias que estou tentando passar um passo a frente 
para configurar um Servidor de E-mail seguindo este artigo 

Só que estou sendo barrado na instalação do courier-authlib.

Veja só se tento copilar usando o comando rpmbuild -ta 
courier-authlib-0.58.tar.bz2,  aparece os erro abaixo.

erro: Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:

Erros de criação do RPM:
Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found:

Se tento copilar na forma padrão usando os comandos
make install

Depoos de algus  segundo rodadno o ./configure aparece o erro abaixo,

checking for courier-config... no
configure: WARNING: === I think you are trying to run this configure script
configure: WARNING: === on Red Hat/Fedora. You're doing too much work!
configure: WARNING: === It's much faster to create installable binary RPMs
configure: WARNING: === like this: http://www.courier-mta.org/FAQ.html#rpm
configure: WARNING: === When you do this you may find that RPM will tell you
configure: WARNING: === to install some other software first, before trying 
configure: WARNING: === build this one, and even tell you the name of RPMs 
configure: WARNING: === need to install from the distribution CD. That's 
configure: WARNING: === easier than trying to figure out the same from some
configure: WARNING: === cryptic error message.
configure: WARNING:
configure: WARNING: === Even if you don't intend to use everything you need 
configure: WARNING: === have in order to build via RPM, you should still do 
configure: WARNING: === you're told. All the extra stuff (LDAP, SQL, etc...)
configure: WARNING: === goes into RPM sub-packages, which do not need to be
configure: WARNING: === installed.
configure: WARNING: === But, if you insist, you can simply add 
configure: WARNING: === parameter to this configure script and not see this
configure: WARNING: === error message. You should also do this when 
configure: WARNING: === and you didn't use RPM with the older version.
configure: error: ... in either case you better know what you're doing!

O que devo fazer?


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