[CentOS-virt] NetBSD on Xen 3.1 CentOS 5.2

Wed Aug 13 16:29:11 UTC 2008
Jerry Amundson <jamundso at gmail.com>

On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:06 AM, white list
<whitelist.augustin at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi all good people,
> can someone direct me to a solution, I get the following error.
> # xm create -c vm03
> Using config file "./vm03".
> Error: (2, 'Invalid kernel', 'xc_dom_compat_check: guest type xen-3.0-x86_32
> not supported by xen kernel, sorry\n')

Three words - inter net search


Some people say I have A.D.D. but they just don't understand. Oh look!
A chicken!