[CentOS-virt] CentOS 5.1 guide for VMware Fusion

Mon Feb 18 00:11:47 UTC 2008
Bradley Sepos <bradleysepos at gmail.com>

Hello all,

I recently created a VM running CentOS 5.1 x86-64 for development
purposes. Along the way, I found a number of fixes to various issues
one can experience under VMware and decided to turn my documentation
into a general guide that others might benefit from. I have not found
any guides for VMware Fusion on OS X, so I figured it is a worthwhile
endeavor. It is likely that most or all of this guide applies to
VMware Workstation as well.

I welcome any additions or corrections. I am open to reposting on the wiki.

Look forward to your replies... Cheers.

(See the attached text document.)
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