[CentOS-virt] open-vm-tools for latest CentOS-4 and CentOS-5 kernel-vms

Tue Jan 1 10:52:11 UTC 2008
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

John Thomas wrote:
> Johnny Hughes said the following on 12/31/2007 11:37 AM:
> <snip>
>> The open-vm-tools are available here:
>> http://people.centos.org/~hughesjr/open-vm-tools/
>> The purpose of these RPMS (open-vm-tools) is to replace the VMware-Tools
>> RPMS that come with VMWare.
>> Please remove VMWare-Tools inside the VM if you are going to install
>> these open-vm-tools for testing.
> Thank you for these.
> May I ask the costs and benefits?  Following are my guesses and hopes:
> My Guesses:
> Benefits:
>   Easier to install, just toss into repo and yum install NAME
> Costs:
>   None
> My Hopes:
> Benefits:
>   Easier to install, will be in CentOS repo with vm kernels

This will be the case, yes.  Though that is not the case now.

>   No need to run vmware-config-tools.pl after kernel upgrade

This is indeed a huge benefit, as it requires one less reboot and does
not require you to do anything via your console or to rebuild anything
as a user.  You also do not need build tools inside your client VM now.

>   Time syncing is somehow better

It is not really better ... but it is the same.  I have found that if
your client is running fast, you need to adjust the vmware.conf file
like this article says:


And that these tools will keep it from being slow.

>   Johnny will personally help you with all your computer problems (just
> kidding)

For the right price :-D

Other added benefits are that the vmhgfs works without recompiling by
the user.

> Costs:
>   None

I do not see any negative issues.

I do still need to come up with something to copy the xorg.conf file
into place while maintaining a backup, and also the same for a gpm
config file.

But I think this will be a major improvement for VMWare users as are the
kernel-vm kernels.

Johnny Hughes

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