[CentOS-virt] Doubt about compatible hardware

Waldirio Manhães Pinheiro waldirio at gmail.com
Sat May 3 17:24:06 UTC 2008

   Hello friends

  I was installed the yum group Virtualization to start tests about it, but
when my machine was restarted, hung up in same time of start xend daemon ..,
I'm stoped the daemon with chkconfig and the OS work's fine (without xen),
but when I started the daemon, my NIC/Switch led turn off.

  For recommendation of a guy in #xen channel (irc.freenode.com), I cahnged
my NIC and this problem was solved., but every time, my network stop answer

  There are any lists like Hardware Compatible List to Xen ?!, to jump
problems like above, where I'll really what NIC I can use.

Thank's in advanced.
msn: wmp at sinope.com.br
Site: www.waldirio.com.br
Blog: blog.waldirio.com.br
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