[CentOS-virt] Web based management system for Xen

Fabian Arrotin fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net
Wed May 14 19:59:07 UTC 2008

On Wed, 14 May 2008, Karanbir Singh wrote:

> Can anyone recommend a web based management panel that would let me bring up 
> / tear down and do some basic management for a bunch of Xen VM's ?
> Special bonus points if the panel can manage remote Xen Hosts :D
I've never used/tested it but it seems OpenQRM can manage Xen VM's (as 
well as deploying newer DomU's). There is a virtual appliance (built on 
CentOS ;-) ) that can be downloaded from the openqrm website : 

But i can't speak of openqrm because i've no experience with it .. but i 
know that some experimented people (subscribed to this list) use it on a 
day-to-day basis, isn't it Kris ? ;-)

Fabian Arrotin <fabian.arrotin at arrfab.net>
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