[CentOS-virt] CentOS 5.3 in VMWare Fusion

Fri Apr 24 00:54:53 UTC 2009
Jason Todd Slack-Moehrle <mailinglists at MailNewsRSS.com>

Hi Guys,

>>> I am trying to run CentOS 5.3-x86_64 in a Vmware Fusion virtual
>>> machine on my Mac Pri (10.5.6)
>>> My install starts OK, checks media and then I get a message saying
> We regularly ( dozen odd times in a day ) run c5 installer in vm's  
> under
> fusion - but only running http/pxe installs. So its reasonable to  
> assume
> the installer does work. I am guessing ( as Phil already pointed out )
> that its a media connection issue.

Yup, exactly what it was. When I reached that box, I simply re- 
connected the .iso and it worked fine. Weird how it got disconnected  
when it was in use though...


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