[CentOS-virt] state of lfarkas KVM repository + Centos KVM wiki

Fri Apr 24 10:05:50 UTC 2009
Farkas Levente <lfarkas at lfarkas.org>

Rainer Traut wrote:
> Am 24.04.2009 00:28, schrieb Farkas Levente:
>> as i wrote to you this kmod rpm (as all other centos kmods) use
>> weak-updates so the kernel version is not included in the version by
>> desing. it's working with _all_ centos 5.x kernel.
>> anyway i'll provide these rpms until centos-5.4 released and lets see
>> what will be in 5.4 and then...
>> anyway my current suggestion to use kvm-84.
>> as i be able to put together a consistent build far in my end i'll try
>> to provide i386 rpms too, but as i only use 64bit hosts i only compile it.
> Thx for doing this. My F10 guest now has an uptime of 7 days and I 
> cannot see any problem neither in dmesg nor in other logfiles.
> Ah one thing I forgot, I had to change the emulation of network card to 
> e1000 after installing F10 updates. But this may well have been a 
> NetworkManager problem - I disabled NM afterwards.

no it was my patch since original centos kvm modules use e1000 by
defualt i patch all version to use it. but i thinking about to go back
to kvm's default rtl8169 in the next stable version (probably 86).

  Levente                               "Si vis pacem para bellum!"