[CentOS-virt] Fedora 12 domU on CentOS 5.4 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5xen fails to boot

Tue Nov 24 17:57:08 UTC 2009
Tait Clarridge <tait at clarridge.ca>

On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 12:47 -0500, Charles J Gruener wrote:
> I mentioned in a previous post that I specifically call out ext3 as the fstype option for /boot.  To alleviate further confusion, here is my kickstart file.
> install
> cmdline
> url --url http://mirrors.rit.edu/fedora/linux/releases/12/Fedora/x86_64/os
> lang en_US.UTF-8
> keyboard us
> network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp
> rootpw ChangeMeNOW!
> firewall --enabled --port=22:tcp
> selinux --enforcing
> timezone --utc America/New_York
> bootloader --location=mbr
> reboot
> clearpart --all --initlabel
> part /boot --fstype=ext3 --size=256
> part pv.01 --size=2048 --grow
> volgroup vg0 pv.01
> logvol swap --fstype=swap --name=swap --vgname=vg0 --recommended
> logvol / --fstype=ext3 --name=root --vgname=vg0 --size=1024 --grow
> %packages --nobase
> If I simply change the url line to be fedora 11 instead of 12, everything works and I can boot.
> I decided to look into this a bit further.  After installing and getting the following error:
> # pygrub /var/lib/xen/images/fedora12.img 
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/pygrub", line 677, in ?
>     fs = fsimage.open(file, get_fs_offset(file))
> IOError: [Errno 95] Operation not supported
> I decided to 100% verify that the filesystem was in fact created as ext3.
> # losetup /dev/loop0 /var/lib/xen/images/fedora12.img 
> # kpartx -a /dev/loop0
> # mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 /mnt
> # mount | grep /dev/mapper/loop0p1
> /dev/mapper/loop0p1 on /mnt type ext4 (rw)
> Wait...what?  But I specified ext3 in the kickstart file...
> So how do I get anaconda on Fedora 12 to honor the --fstype=ext3 option for part /boot?  I tried both:
> --fstype ext3
> and
> --fstype=ext3
> with the same results.
> Thanks,
> Charles

Maybe you could format it ext3 using the /dev/mapper/loop0p1 path above
and use:

part /boot --noformat --onpart=/dev/partitionGoesHere

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