[CentOS-virt] VLAN bridge config for xen - Was: Controlling allocation of ethernet devices and KVM

Fri Nov 27 23:20:50 UTC 2009
Tait Clarridge <tait at clarridge.ca>

On Fri, 2009-11-27 at 17:14 -0600, Christopher G. Stach II wrote:
> ----- "Tait Clarridge" <tait at clarridge.ca> wrote:
> > Interesting, thanks for the info. Can I specify which VLANs it is
> > going
> > to configure and bridge?
> Example bridge interface:
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br10:
> DEVICE=br10
> TYPE=Bridge
> ONBOOT=yes
> STP=on
> Example vlan interface on a bridge (you can do this with physical interfaces, as well):
> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0.10:
> DEVICE=bond0.10
> ONBOOT=yes
> VLAN=yes
> BRIDGE=br10

I do know how to bond interfaces, I was simply asking about the bridging
and vlanning from the network init scripts. although it does it by
default I think I will stick to my script as it may be useful if not
using a redhat based OS.

The script is also nice as I can just add lines to the VLAN= section to
add more at boot time and not have to worry about copying and pasting
other ones.

But to each their own.

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