[CentOS-virt] Useless use of AllowOverride

Wed Apr 14 14:31:09 UTC 2010
John Thomas <gmane-2006-04-16 at jt-socal.com>

> [Wed Apr 14 01:47:58 2010] [warn] Useless use of AllowOverride in line
> 31 of /home/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf.
> [Wed Apr 14 01:47:58 2010] [warn] Useless use of AllowOverride in line
> 36 of /home/tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf.

I suggest your search proceed in the following order.  Usually, 1. will 
be your answer, but rarely 4.
   1. Using a search engine to try to figure it out.
   2. Read the documents (AllowOverride in Apache for sure, ,but 
probably Tomcat in your case too.)
   3. Search the mailing list archives at Apached.
   4. Send an email to the apache mailing list.

John Thomas