[CentOS-virt] Xen HVM domU won't start since updates to 2.6.18-164.15.1 kernels

Sun Mar 28 16:45:58 UTC 2010
Aaron Clark <ophidian at ophidian.homeip.net>

On 03/28/2010 07:59 AM, Pasi Kärkkäinen wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 11:53:41PM -0500, Christopher G. Stach II wrote:
>> ----- "Aaron Clark"<ophidian at ophidian.homeip.net>  wrote:
>>> What steps should I take next to debug this?
>> Downgrade back to where you were bit by bit (or just guess that it's dom0's kernel) and see when it starts working again.
>> What does the busted guest say when it tries to boot while you watch its [serial] console? Does the dom0 ever unpause the guest? (It should say in the logs.)
> Yeah, and remove the vfb (graphical vnc console) from the guest,
> so you can then do:
> xm create -f /etc/xen/guest -c
> to immediately attach to the console and see the guest kernel boot messages.

Ok, I've tried the following now:

- rebooted the dom0 into the previous, working kernel-xen and start domU 
(doesn't work)
- while in the old kernel-xen, switch the grub config for the domU to 
use the old kernel then try to start the domU (doesn't work)
- remove the vnc lines from the guest's config via virsh edit and 
attempt to start (doesn't work)

I do not have any serial console stuff set up, so I'll need a little bit 
more detailed instructions to get that working (which files I need to 
modify on guest and host, what to put where, etc).

I have attached the snippet of the xend.log from my latest startup 
attempt and the virsh xml in use while it is 'running' but not actually 

"The goblins are in charge of maintenance?  Why not just set it on fire 
now and call it a day?"
--Whip Tongue, Viashino Technician
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