[CentOS-virt] KVM: where are the directions?

Mon Nov 15 04:50:08 UTC 2010
MargoAndTodd <margoandtodd at gmail.com>

On 11/14/2010 05:25 PM, compdoc wrote:
> Unless you have old cards you have to retain, PCI-x isn't useful anymore.
> Too slow.

Supermicro X8SAX:
2 (x16) PCI-Express 2.0,
     1 (x4) PCI-Express (using X8 slot),
     2x 64-bit 133/100MHz PCI-X,
     1x 32-bit PCI Slots

I put the video and the RAID card in the PCI-e slots.
I use the PCI and PCI-x for things like parallel
port cards, which cost double for PCI-e.
