[CentOS-virt] Cannot remove lvs associated with deleted vm guests

Mon Jan 30 17:45:29 UTC 2012
James B. Byrne <byrnejb at harte-lyne.ca>

This problem was finally resolved with the generous help
of Bryn M. Reeves on the inux-lvm at redhat.com list.

The difficulty was that the utility kpartx had the lvs
opened via their mappings.  Further, the mappings were
created with the -pp option of kpartx and that option had
to be provided to the delete action in order for that to

# kpartx -d -pp /path/to/logical/volume/name

Once the mappings were removed then the lvremove also
worked and the volumes were removed.

A small point, failure to provide the -pp option to the
kpartx -d action does not raise an error.  Nor does it
remove the mapping however.

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James B. Byrne                mailto:ByrneJB at Harte-Lyne.ca
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