[CentOS-virt] Reminder: CentOS Virt SIG meeting tomorrow

George Dunlap dunlapg at umich.edu
Mon Dec 15 15:59:36 UTC 2014

Hey all! Just a reminder, the CentOS Virt SIG meeting is tomorrow,
2pm, on #centos-devel (freenode IRC).

Agenda items I've got:

* Xen 4.4.1 for C6 update (finally)
 - Got xen 4.4.1 w/ updated XenServer blktap working, + libvirt
 - Other changes to consider: xend off by default, revert "favor qdisk" change

* oVirt joining SIG?

* Meetings over Christmas
 - proposal: Cancel phone meeting 29 Dec; do regular IRC meeting on 12 January

Anything else?


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