[CentOS-virt] Virt SIG meeting minutes 2 Dec 2014

Tue Dec 2 16:53:08 UTC 2014
George Dunlap <dunlapg at umich.edu>

Below are the meeting minutes from today's meeting.  Let me know if
there are any additions or corrections.



Lokesh, George, Sandro, Lars.

 - Docker update
 - Xen update
 - CBS (Can't do w/o KB)
 - oVirt questions

Docker update (Lokesh):
 - Docker 1.3.2 in centos virt7-testing
 - "Not giving much trouble in CentOS"
 - going to update Docker registry to 0.9.0
 - Tested from people on Fedora
 - Docker has automated test suite, failed for weird reasons

Xen (George):
 - Xen 4.4.1 with blktap 2.5 0.92 in virt6-testing
 - Found qdisk bug, need to backport
 - Now writing automated testing system
 - Then need to update & test libvirt
 - Hopefully by then we'll have a more functional CBS

 - Signing?
 - Build from git repos?
 - George has git.c.o access, but Lokesh doesn't
 - George got something from git.c.o built w/ koji back in October
 - But a lot of necessary repos are not on git.c.o yet.
 - And at that time there was no way for non-Centos folks to upload new tarballs

Events: Dojo before FOSDEM
 - Need to know if it's still finalized
 - XenProject will make sure there's someone at the dojo representing Xen

 - Want: re-build of RHEL qemu package with snapshotting (IIRC)
 - Sandro & David Caro probably to get involved
 - Sandro: Release manager, Integration
 - David: Release engineer, &c
 - Main delay: oVirt 3.5 release (now done)