[CentOS-virt] Fwd: About Centos 7 + Virt-manager

Tue Jul 15 14:53:45 UTC 2014
Pablo Silva <psilvao at gmail.com>

Dear Colleagues:

     I'm trying to use virt-manager to create a container with lxc, as the
picture I attached, I indicated that I must point to a directory where the
template is to manage it with virt-manager.

    I tried to use a template of
http://wiki.openvz.org/Download/template/precreated, but not working, being
on the console option displays a black screen with nothing.

    I wonder, where can I get a template to work with virt-manager, or what
are the steps to follow so you can create a template with Centos Minimal,
do not know if the template must be the same version of Centos 7 or can be
a template with Centos 6.5

   In advance, thank you very much.




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