[CentOS-virt] How to kickstart a guest with Centos 6.6 & Xen 4.4

Mon Aug 3 11:14:53 UTC 2015
George Dunlap <dunlapg at umich.edu>

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 1:29 PM, Elliot Fox <elliotnfox at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I posted a question over at xenproject.org but it was recommended that I
> send out a message here for help.
> My post there:
> http://www.xenproject.org/help/questions-and-answers/vanilla-pv-centos-guest-via-kickstart-centos-6-6,-xen-4-4.html
> The TL;DR is: Everything I've found to kickstart a new vanilla rhel/centos
> guest points to specifying a kernel & and initrd- for RHEL/Centos 5. But
> where is the xen initrd for Centos 6? The Xen4Quickstart instructions are
> awesome, but after install you are left with a kernel and an initramfs & no
> initrd for a centos 6 guest in xen.
> So is there a better way to kickstart a fresh/vanilla VM post Xen4Quickstart
> instructions? Shall I build an initrd from the initramfs (and how) or is
> there another way?
> Apologies if this is discussed elsewhere, but if it is I have yet to find it
> and I've been looking around for some time.

I've found this helpful:


A couple of changes you have to make though:  you have to take out the
"bootloader=pygrub" line in his config file.

But we probably should have something like that on the wiki page --
thanks for asking about it. :-)
