[CentOS-virt] Plan to update to Xen 4.6

Tue Nov 3 23:23:11 UTC 2015
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 11/03/2015 11:04 AM, George Dunlap wrote:
> When we started the Virt SIG, our stated goal was to support one
> recent version of Xen with a recent kernel.  We updated at that time
> to Xen 4.4, as the most recent stable release.  We skipped 4.5; but
> now with 4.6 out, I think it's about time to upgrade.
> Moving to 4.6 has several distinct advantages for CentOS 7.  Xen 4.4
> has no systemd integration, while Xen 4.6 does.  Additionally, Xen 4.4
> has an insufficient level of ARM support, while Xen 4.6 does.
> The Xen releases are heavily tested upstream, not only by the
> open-source team, but by the vendors who build their products on Xen.
> I'm fairly confident that moving forward to Xen 4.6 should be a
> relatively safe maneuver for most people.
> So I shall be moving towards releasing Xen 4.6 for CentOS 6 in the not
> too distant future.
> That said, the Virt SIG is a community effort -- if anyone in the
> community wants to step up and maintain the Xen 4.4 packages within
> the SIG, they would be welcome to do so.  The burden of doing the
> maintenance should not be too high.
> Security updates will continue for 4.4 until the 4.6 packages are
> fully ready (and may continue for a month or  two afterwards,
> depending on severity, to provide a transition period).

I agree with this.  The goal was always to do even numbered releases as
a general rule.  So moving from 4.4 to 4.6 is a great idea.  I concur
100% with this approach.  Obviously we will test the upgrade from 4.4.x
to 4.6.

>  -George

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