[CentOS-virt] Centos 7 newer kernel needed

Thu Aug 4 13:10:24 UTC 2016
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 08/04/2016 07:30 AM, Laurentiu Soica wrote:
> Hi Xlord, 
> Yes,  the CPU has support for EPT. 
> I wrongly thought that the nested EPT was first introduced in 3.12.
> Following your instructions I see that I have it enabled on my system as
> well. 
> However,  checking the kernel commits from 3.12 on search string 'nested
> ept'  I found about 10 code changes/fixes for nested EPT. 
> https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git/log/?id=refs%2Ftags%2Fv3.12.62&qt=grep&q=Nested+ept
> What options do I have to get this commits on a Centos 7 kernel? 

The Standard CentOS kernel is built from the source code and
configuration files of the released RHEL kernel.  The only way to get
things into the main CentOS kernel is for it to be in the RHEL source code.

Red Hat does backport changes into the RHEL kernel, so if they support
nested those changes or ones like it may be there.  See Backporting:


We do have a CentOSPlus kernel, maintained by a volunteer (hi toracat).
She will take potential patches here if you have something that works:


Also, if you want to try a newer kernel, we do have 2 available.  I
manage both of these kernels, they are both based on an LTS version of
the kernel from kernel.org .. but neither gets nearly the attention (or
smart people looking at them) as the RHEL based kernel.  If you want to
try either of them, they are in:

3.18.x LTS:

4.4.x LTS:

Those kernels both work, I am running both on production machines .. but
I am not a kernel hacker, so I just build what the upstream LTS kernel
maintainer releases.  They may or may not do what you want.

The RHEL kernel team does a lot of work to make sure the RHEL kernel

Johnny Hughes

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